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Preparing an NDP is a lengthy and complex process, with several stages and periods of public consultation which have to be followed to help ensure the NDP is successful at examination. 



Stainforth Town Council applied to Doncaster Council for designation of the neighbourhood area as shown on Map 1 on 9th November 2017.  The Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan area covers the whole of the parish of Stainforth and was approved by Doncaster Council on 11th June 2018.

A steering group of town councillors, business representatives and community representatives was set up September 2017 to oversee the preparation of the NDP on behalf of the town council.  The group meets approximately monthly and reports back to the town council on progress and for decision making at key stages.

A dedicated NDP website was set up in February 2018 and this provides up to date information for all about the progress of the NDP and details of how local people can be involved. 


Household Questionnaire Survey, December 2017 - July 2018

The survey was conducted in public by local residents in public spaces, predominantly at the 3 local primary schools, Stainforth Library and ASDA supermarket in the central business district, ensuring the capture of a wide array of people’s age, gender and ethnicity. There have been 702 completed surveys, representing approximately 10% of Stainforth’s population, the detailed results of which may be found in Appendix 1. The survey addressed the 13 key issues raised by the neighbourhood plan committee. There has been largely favourable responses, backing almost all with the exception of car parking, which received only 61%.


Issues and Options Stakeholder Focus Event, Saturday 27th October 2018

Representatives of local stakeholder groups (see Appendix 2) were invited to attend a short focus event to consider the results of the household questionnaire survey and agree the key themes and priorities for the NDP.   The event included a brief introduction and background to the NDP, an update on the new Local Plan for Doncaster Council, headline results of the questionnaire and workshops considering the key planning issues in more detail.


Issues and Options Public Consultation, Friday 22nd March 2019 until Tuesday 30th April 2019.

An Issues and Options document was published for informal public consultation in Spring 2019. 

The document was placed on the NDP website and the consultation was promoted in the local newsletter Stainforth Voice.              

Residents and stakeholders were invited to respond to the consultation by downloading the response form from our NDP website or completing a paper copy of the response form which were available at the offices of Stainforth4ALL and Stainforth Town Council Office.  Everyone was also invited to attend one of the public events which took place on Tuesday 16th April 11.00am - 2.00pm at the Library and Monday 22nd April 11.00am - 3.00pm at the Resource Centre.

Stainforth councillors have had numerous one to one consultations with members of the public. A lot of feedback from multiple members of the public has been favouring having a pedestrian bridge over the railway at the train station on Stainforth side, as well as a bus interchange and a larger car park. There has also been a lot of feedback in favour of the link road joining Emerson Avenue near the Colliery Club. Overall, the vast majority of the public feedback for the plan has been very positive and several have quoted saying “it is fantastic”.

Since the responses to the Issues and Options demonstrated that local people and stakeholders supported the proposed approach in the NDP, the Town Council progressed work on the Draft Plan.

01302 844903

PO Box 797 Stainforth, Doncaster, DN7 5WZ

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©2022 by Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan. Original website by Harry Fisher, updated by Boris Segal, photos by Lewis Saunderson, logo design by SFCgraphicdesign

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