Vision for Stainforth
In 2032 Stainforth will be a vibrant and sustainable community. Residents will enjoy a high quality of life with good access to attractive open spaces, waterways and recreational areas, as well as community facilities and local employment opportunities. There will be a choice of affordable and energy efficient house types and sizes for existing and new residents. Stainforth will enjoy good accessibility for all, with public and private transport linkages to neighbouring settlements and larger towns and cities including Doncaster, and a safe network of walking and cycling routes linking communities across the area.
NDP Objectives
Objective 1: To protect and enhance local mining heritage through the creation of a heritage centre and country park linked to the old pithead site.
Objective 2: To support a wider range and choice of housing in the area through high quality residential housing development on the former pit head slag heaps.
Objective 3: To improve accessibility for all, including provision of a new footbridge linking residential areas to Hatfield and Stainforth Station and a new network of walking and cycling routes throughout the area.
Objective 4: To support the provision of a new country park and to enhance existing local green spaces as part of health and wellbeing initiatives.
Objective 5: To support new community and leisure development for the benefit of all.
Objective 6: To support suitable new development or uses for derelict and abandoned sites and buildings.